*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.


Progesterone Harding Medical InstituteProgesterone is known as our calming, mood, sleep, libido and bone-enhancing hormone.  What a lot of men also don’t realize is Progesterone functions as a precursor in our body to produce Testosterone while also acting as a balance to decrease estrogen.  As men age the level of progesterone starts to decrease.  Natural production by the testes and adrenals in men starts to decrease with aging and can lead to an imbalance, not only of progesterone, but also lead to decreased testosterone and an increase of estrogen.  Balance between Testosterone, Progesterone and male Estrogen is the key to being healthy.

Symptoms of Progesterone Imbalance Look Very Similar to Testosterone Imbalance:

  • Decreased or lack of energy
  • Decrease in  libido or sex drive
  • Difficulty in sexual arousal with weaker erections
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Cognitive concerns
  • Weight gain
  • Thinning of bones or bone loss
  • Thinning and dry hair

Testing For Progesterone Imbalance:

At the Harding Medical Institute we recognize the high level of importance this hormone can have on the body and have partnered with several elite laboratories to provide cutting edge testing options.  This provides the essential information to diagnose a progesterone imbalance.

Treating Progesterone Imbalance:

Fortunately, Progesterone imbalance can be treated. At Harding Medical Institute, we specialize in bioidentical male hormone replacement therapy and Anti-aging medicine. The goal of your treatment plan is to restore the balance of hormones in your body and help you feel good again. By restoring the balance between all of your hormones such as Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Cortisol, and Thyroid in the body, symptoms can be alleviated and even eliminated.*  Optimal progesterone levels also lower health concerns such as prostatitis, anxiety, inflammation, fat metabolism, libido, elevated blood sugar, osteoporosis and insomnia.
Call 407.210.2101 now and take advantage of our FREE Concierge Progesterone Consultation today.

Harding Medical Institute
Exceptional Care Close to You

Contact Us to Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Today

Our focus is prevention, which we combine with the power of early detection and treatment of disease using the most advanced equipment and comprehensive labs available. In addition, we maximize health and performance, slow the aging process and increase the longevity of life through our state of the art technology, hormone evaluation, and a comprehensive Elite Physical Evaluation.

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