We Help You to Improve Your Health. Give Your Health a Boost With an IV Therapy.

Select an IV Drip Therapy for Hydration, Chronic Pain, Cancer, Immune Support, Weight Loss & More and Restore Wellness on a Cellular Level with IV Medical Grade Therapy. Trust physicians with over +25 years experience and schedule a complimentary consultation today. At the IV Suite located in Orlando, Florida within Harding Medical Institute, our highly skilled physicians tailor your IVs to your specific biochemical needs for optimal results.

Hydration IV

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.  One IV bag is equivalent to drinking more than two gallons of water in a single session.  Hydration IV therapy treatments are a safe, fast, and easy way to revive, replenish and rejuvenate your mind and body.


  • Rehydration
  • Removes waste
  • Transports oxygen and nutrients to cells
  • Increased heart health
  • Combats fatigue
  • Increased energy levels

High Dose Vitamin C IV

The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and anti-aging.  Oral supplements do not provide the full benefits of vitamin C; your body only absorbs about half of the nutrients during digestion. High dose of Vitamin C aids in the natural detoxification of the body.


  • Boost the immune system
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Reduce immune system deficiencies
  • Increased heart health
  • Detoxify and enhance the liver
  • Increased energy levels
  • Wound healing


Glutathione IV

Glutathione is an essential antioxidant produced naturally by the liver.  Intravenous glutathione injections act as an immune system booster. Eliminating dangerous free radicals.  IV glutathione has been proven to be an important defense against toxins, diseases, radiation, pollutants, and oxidative stress.  Generally, intravenous glutathione will be administered 1 to 3 times per week over a 1 to 3 month period for maximum clinical benefits.

When taken with vitamin C, it has been shown to whiten the skin and reduce blemishes, including acne – resulting in a flawless complexion.


  • Boost the immune system
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Increased concentration
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increased recuperation after exercise
  • Detoxify and enhance the liver
  • Increased energy levels


Immunity & Wellness IV

The Immunity & Wellness IV treatment is beneficial for some with chronic diseases or acute illnesses including cold and flu.  When the gastrointestinal tract is impeded by bacteria, virus or high levels of toxicity the “gut” is unable to properly absorb the essential nutrients it needs to keep you well.


  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle cramps & soreness
  • Stress/ Anxiety/ Depression
  • Digestive disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma & Allergies
  • Colds & Flus
  • Chronic viral infections, ie. Hepatitis C

Remedy & Recovery IV

Our #1 seller for the relief of hangovers, fatigue, and suppressed immunity. The Remedy & Recovery IV treatment offers rehydration with fluids, vitamins and minerals including high dose vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory meds that provide relief fast!


  • Rehydration
  • Headache relief
  • Transports oxygen and nutrients to cells
  • Combats fatigue
  • Increased energy levels
  • Decreased nausea

Athletic “Performance” & Recovery IV:

Our Performance & Recovery blend contains an amino acid mixture, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals that promotes quicker muscle recovery, decreases oxidative stress, and delivers faster results.  Athletes get optimal concentration of nutrients directly into the bloodstream in levels that are typically 10-100 times greater than could be achieved orally in one day.


  • Enhanced performance
  • Increase strength
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Shorten recovery time
  • Increased energy levels

We offer a comprehensive set of tests that allow us to evaluate your physiological state so we can address your biochemical needs from the inside out. This allows us to pin point the support your system needs with personalized Intravenous (IV) therapy.

IV therapy treats your system immediately versus waiting for supplements, dietary or lifestyle changes to take effect. Intravenous (IV) nutrition is exceptionally powerful because nutrients are administered directly into the bloodstream via IV with 100% absorption rate. This circumvents the potential loss of potency due to possible breakdown in the GI tract and poor absorption of some orally administered nutrients.

Pricing: IV Therapy range in price from $99 for a bag of fluids to upwards of $200 for a more customized mixture of vitamins and minerals. The IVs are administered in office in a relaxed atmosphere so, patients can rest and unwind while rejuvenating on a cellular level.