Thyroid Health MenThyroid disease can take many forms, all of which are related to improper activity of the thyroid gland. This butterfly-shaped gland lies at the front of the throat area below the Adam’s apple. The gland plays a crucial role in regulating body functions. An imbalance of your thyroid hormones can affect every metabolic function in your body because this gland regulates our metabolism by controlling the production of energy in our cells. The thyroid hormone is one of many necessary hormones for men’s health. The loss of Testosterone that occurs at andropause can change your thyroid status. Although the majority of information regarding thyroid health is focused on women, men also suffer from thyroid dysfunction and the associated symptoms.
Hypothyroid, as indicated by the prefix “hypo” meaning “below normal,” is a condition in which the thyroid does not excrete enough of its hormones. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include erectile dysfunction, depression, bloating, hair loss, poor memory, elevated cholesterol, constipation, and sensations of frequently feeling cold, listless and tired. Weight gain is often a problem even when eating habits haven’t changed because thyroid hormone modulates carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Hypothyroidism also affects muscle metabolism. If your thyroid is not functioning optimally then you do not build muscle. Since thyroid hormones affect the smooth vascular muscles of the heart, reductions affect the ability of these muscles to properly relax and blood pressure is often negatively affected.
Hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune disorder in which the thyroid gland produces too much hormone. This condition has symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, irregular heartbeat and hand tremors. Men may experience loose bowels and frequent bowel movements. Goiter is an additional condition that can develop due to hyperthyroidism. This condition causes the thyroid to enlarge and often appears as swelling in the right or left of center in the front of the neck. Erectile dysfunction is also common in men with hyperthyroidism.
With Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, because the immune system is the cause of this disease men can fluctutate between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Antibodies reduce the amount of thyroid hormone being produced. Hashimoto’s disease can be  hereditary. Symptoms are inability to tolerate heat, goiter or enlargement of the thyroid gland, and problems swallowing. Men may notice their hair is turning gray at an early age. They may have fertility problems. Concentration is affected and it’s harder to focus on simple tasks.
Thyroid disease is commonly missed with the standard hormone profile. Our physicians are specialists in diagnosing and treating thyroid disorders. At the Harding Medical Institute, we do precise blood evaluations to pick up disease at an early stage: TSH, thyroid panel, Free T3, Free T4 and thyroid antibodies. We monitor the conversion of T4 to T3. If you cannot adequately convert T4 to T3, you will have symptoms of thyroid dysfunction commonly with a normal panel. Also, our individualized program focuses on other key factors that can adversely affect thyroid function such as nutrient deficiencies, medications, diet, and other hormone interactions.

Call 407.210.2101 now and take advantage of our FREE Concierge Thyroid Consultation today.