Hormone Profiling

Hormone Profiling

The physicians at Harding Medical Institute have partnered with Rhein Consulting Laboratories to provide this advanced testing for our patients. Urine hormone profiling is becoming widely accepted by physicians and researchers as an acceptable method of providing significant information on the levels and breakdown pathways of many hormones such as Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol and their important metabolites. All of these important hormones are required to be in perfect balance in order to achieve ideal health.
The information provided with urine hormone profiling can be exceptionally helpful to clinicians to balance hormones in difficult cases of both men and women where traditional blood or saliva testing fails to give the critical information needed for optimal hormonal balance. In addition, there is a growing body of evidence to support the theory that the improper breakdown of Estrogen can make a women more prone to breast cancer and men to prostate cancer. Our physicians will use the information obtained with this state-of–the-art testing to help decrease cancer risk and improve hormone health.
What about Breast Cancer?
Urine hormone profiling is beneficial in assessing risk of developing breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Recent strong evidence has shown that postmenopausal women with elevated levels of androgens, including Testosterone, DHEA and androstenedione as well as estradiol are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. Dietary habits may contribute to a high-risk hormonal profile and modifications in those habits can lead to normalization of hormone levels.
Two metabolites of Estrone (E1) have also been implicated in providing information on the risk of developing breast cancer. Specifically, 2-hydroxyestrone (2OHE1) has been termed the good estrone as opposed to the bad estrone, 16-a-hydroxyestrone (16OHE1). A ratio of 2OHE1:16OHE1 greater than approximately two (2) has been suggested to be indicative of lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Please call our office at 407.201.2101 to schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about hormone balance and your health.